Hidalgo (EMY 72055)

Hidalgo (EMY 72055)

Yellow Globe, short-day variety with large to jumbo bulbs. Medium-early maturity and Pink Root resistant. Highly single centered, very uniform bulbs with deep yellow skin. Widely adapted, including Tampico and Texas.

Diamante 471

Determinate, UC-82 class tomato. Weights up to 130 gm and is resistant to V, F-1, F-2, BSP, and N. We recommend Diamante 471 for the Middle East. Plant is high yielding and fruit has good viscosity.

EMW 51103

Early to mid-early, short day, white grano class. Very good scales, smooth finish, and highly single centered. Bulb is pungent and firm, making this variety an excellent shipper. Highly tolerant to pink root. 

EMJ 13007

Excellent jalapeño hybrid, resistant to Bacterial Leaf Spot 1, 2, 3, TEV, PVY, and PMV. Fruit coloration changes from dark green to red medium. Walls are thick, making this variety good for processing.


Mid-maturing, beautiful, bright white variety, adapted to southern USA districts, Middle East, Central America, Mexico, and other short day production areas. Excellent pink root resistance.

Postal Address

P.O. Box 1670

El Centro, CA 92244


Physical Address

1735 Austin Road

El Centro, CA 92243


Contact Us

TEL: (760) 353-1036

FAX: (760) 353-2233
